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I hope I didn't come across as criticizing Perverter work. I certain don't have the qualifications nor the abilities to produce a fraction of this amazing piece. 

The amounts of thoughtful lore & world building are both impressive & immersive! 

Though I might have reserved feelings towards certain characters, which is a normal thing. Just like our feelings in real life to people around us. So this is part of the immersion. but when it comes to the main characters, we have to relate to them to a certain degree at least for the story to kick in smoothly. In a way, in my previous post I only wanted to state my feelings as reader towards the MC.

I'm not saying Cam is not a realistic person. He probably is a spitting image of a real person somewhere. The writing is very believable!

I can't say why I think he's still an ass without going into spoilers. In my perspective, Cam is a person who has been playing a russian roulette & come out unscathed, because of plot armor or whatever. but & he keeps playing it again & again. Basically, most of his actions are still baseless gambles that can endanger others.

It's one thing when a villain put you in dire situation & you have to act immediately to come out of it. but it's another thing when you willingly put others & yourself in a dire situation that anyone can foresee it coming. 

and that's where I can't relate to Cam. For the same reason I'm not a fan of Tom Holland's Spider-Man. It's just reckless acts after another, while Ironman has to come to cleanup the mess afterwards. 

It gives kids nowadays the wrong idea of bravery. In real life there won't be a "plot armor" that would give you a second chance "to redeem" yourself when things go horribly wrong. 

That's just me. I think reckless people shouldn't be glorified as heroes.

(2 edits) (+1)

I think that's fair.For you,it's a fundamental disagreement with the character archetype that used for Cam,while for me I don't see that way. I think that  comes from the fact that Perverteer is clearly using old pulpy sci fi movies as his inspiration for the tone of the game. you know,like Flash Gordon. While there are serious and emotional moments,TFTUV overall is meant to be a light hearted and fun adventure across the galaxy with lots of action and heroes that are daring or reckless as you call it.

From what you told me, it seems like you less have a problem with Cam as a character and more with how it's treated in the narrative.I think you're looking at the wrong game if you want the narrative to acknowledge the reckless part of his personality in dangerous situations realistically. I feel like for what TFTUV is going for,it does the right amount of calling out Cam for his  reckless attitude,without compromising the tone.This isn't a regular Sci-fi where you expect the tone to be  fairly serious or a Cyberpunk where for the most part it is.That's just how I feel though. I do appreciate you explaining yourself.