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A member registered Apr 21, 2021

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I confirm that it's fixed, thanks a lot!

No worries,  & thank you!

If  I have to guess it's the folder name. Right now I have:




& earlier on, it used to be


Maybe if it had a unified name?

No need to rush,  eventually you'll figure it out. 

Much appreciated 馃檹

Thanks for the update. 

Repoting an issue in Android . Right now each update installs as a separate app rather than updating the existing installation.  So save data doesn't carry over unless I manually move them to the new game folder. 

It's not a big deal now, but it would be great to fix before the game becomes too large!


Interesting premise. I'll support.

I tested this build on my Samsung phone & also on Samsung DeX. It works pretty well from start to finish.

Thank you for making an official android port 馃檹

I was afraid that the save won't transfer from the other port, but I was happy that you added an option to jump to episode4 directly!!

I enjoyed that episode as well. I think I'll join your in patreon for more! ^^

I hope I didn't come across as criticizing Perverter work. I certain don't have the qualifications nor the abilities to produce a fraction of this amazing piece. 

The amounts of thoughtful lore & world building are both impressive & immersive! 

Though I might have reserved feelings towards certain characters, which is a normal thing. Just like our feelings in real life to people around us. So this is part of the immersion. but when it comes to the main characters, we have to relate to them to a certain degree at least for the story to kick in smoothly. In a way, in my previous post I only wanted to state my feelings as reader towards the MC.

I'm not saying Cam is not a realistic person. He probably is a spitting image of a real person somewhere. The writing is very believable!

I can't say why I think he's still an ass without going into spoilers. In my perspective, Cam is a person who has been playing a russian roulette & come out unscathed, because of plot armor or whatever. but & he keeps playing it again & again. Basically, most of his actions are still baseless gambles that can endanger others.

It's one thing when a villain put you in dire situation & you have to act immediately to come out of it. but it's another thing when you willingly put others & yourself in a dire situation that anyone can foresee it coming. 

and that's where I can't relate to Cam. For the same reason I'm not a fan of Tom Holland's Spider-Man. It's just reckless acts after another, while Ironman has to come to cleanup the mess afterwards. 

It gives kids nowadays the wrong idea of bravery. In real life there won't be a "plot armor" that would give you a second chance "to redeem" yourself when things go horribly wrong. 

That's just me. I think reckless people shouldn't be glorified as heroes.

(1 edit)

I just want to say I had the same exact issue as you. MC is a douchebag . Even Thim who was introduced as one, is far more tolerable & decent than MC. 

Now I'm  in ep11 & MC is still a douchebag in my opinion, but you don't have to like the MC to enjoy the story. I still would rate this game as 5/5 & offer my support to the developer!

Reporting back: I've played through this android port till the end of ep3 & it worked great!

I've enjoyed it so far, therefore I'm supporting this project! ;)

I'm in the same case, thank you for sharing the link!

Luna is certainly the sweetest!

Hello, I'm your new loyal fan!

I was so immersed. I lost track of time & my surroundings! 

& I got so invested in the characters.  This is how I know that you made something very special & well put together!

I never thought I would say this, but I don't think I want to go back to 2D visual novels anymore! ;P

I just have one suggestion. Is there a possibility to add an option to increase the font size? especially for playing on Android ?

Thank you & good luck with the next updates!

How do I enable 4:3 on android?