I have 2 questions, though I suspect that probably others have said something about it…
- Does the fire collar mean anything in terms of his imprisonment?
I know it might be a symbolism of Asterion’s feelings towards the MC, still, I wonder if there is something else to it.
- Why does the playful wrestling with Asterion feel like a sad little adventure?
Now, getting it out before anyone answers because of the song, I will say that yes, that might be it. Probably I might be the only one that had this feeling. But, I wonder if the developers intended to have someone take this little union of friendship or even love into an overwhelming sadness.
Man! I was barely able to read, I had to take my mind out for some time. I had my heart hurting, and I did cry. Not only that, but I might be a wimp, but, wow! It did knock me out of the game for a while. Kudos to the song though, the feeling is really strong [Foolish Child]. (Perhaps I’m the fool here and a well-placed song.) Wished it was for the other sad endings (but what do I know? I just finished 2 sides leading always to the same ending)
That’s probably why I got the impression of sadness there… anyway, I’m curious for any answers or even questions that might have been brought to me, and perhaps it was my misunderstanding of the situation. (Even now that I’m analyzing the song, it sends chills down my whole body and a strong ache in my heart)
Quick Edit Note: This questions I had prepared for the Q&A when it gets out, but I might as well make it a conversation since it really is interesting. Also, that this is my first time posting but, hey, I want to know what other people think of this situation.