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A member registered Oct 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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I actually quite adored the game and Lachan, so I'd really cheer for adding his route to it. Is it still in the works or discussed?

Either way, great work, cute art, I LOVED the dialogue and fae whimsy of the protagonist especially. Thanks for sharing it with us!

All the best to you! I hope you are still hanging in there!

sometimes the file is too big and winrar can't unpack it right, try 7zip, it's older and a bit slower, but can usually unpack even large files without error!

I hope the author is ok, I still really enjoy playing this. Take care!

the next release will be the full game once it's finished, so probably bug or code fixes only for now. and since is more of a "when author has freetime between x other projects" it might yet be a while. that was the last info I had on this. Still, the four chapter demo is still worth replaying sometimes.

explore her cottage, and then follow the clues starting with the one you find there. 

you have to talk to claire before you can get to the shops area for the acid (and then you can't do anything with it yet), and you gotta talk to lynx about Kana, meet her at the farm, get the ingredients at the forest and talk to Lynx back at your house to get the potion and then get to the farm to give it to Kana.  And that's pretty much the end of the content for now. 

(Also, be a rebel. Touch the poop ingredient. I dare you.)

So in my R romance playthrough I didn't really pay that much attention to any of the others, because I was smitten. And then the text tells me my closest friendship is X, who is literally the one most detached from R between them all and the one I probably spend the least amount of in game time with between scenes, so I had to laugh. I ignored the other two too much for R, huh?

I tried to be best friends with X again on my D playthrough, but somehow it doesn't work anymore and I end up with R as my bestie as per usual. I can't ignore them no matter what iteration of my MC goes for it seems. 

Thank you for creating them, they bring me so much joy!

you need 4 points of favor (flirting or choices to get closer to them) to be saved in the tunnels! so don't spread your love too evenly and you should manage at least one if not two of them to be available!

Is it weird that my favorite part is your really well thought out lesson plan? Thank you for being so conscientious about it, it felt so very reasonable and served as a great intro to the lore as we learn alongside our little protagonist!

Morgana is stronger than you. good luck surviving adoptive dad, too. there might be opinions.


you don't talk for gay people. only yourself. who is using it as an insult other than you?

gay is used as a slur, queer is, fag is. I will never stop calling myself queer though. it's some faschist message board that convinced young people it's a slur when it was long used perfectly normally as a great umbrella term.

be offended by the persecution, instead. 

As a positive I really wanted to mention.. I appreciate the variation you've put into the gender exploration. The nb options go from neither to both to more femme or masculine leaning across the spectrum and I adore it so much! It must have been a lot of work to code all the intricacies, but it's so dearly appreciated! Thank you!

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Hi, just a bug sort of. If you do the subtle flirts with Gawain and then tell Accolon about it, later that day you still wonder what it might mean with your dragon, despite just having solved that question earlier and you settle on nervous stomach or something again. I think the timing of those scenes is out of synch?

And when you meet Arthur you allude to seeing Accolon vaguely in the morning instead of the entire outing. I think it takes it that you went with Accolon to the fair the day before? The cut after Accolon's talk with you and you going out to buy sweets does not make it clear and is only implied by the fact that you apparently spend the morning with your dragon potentially meeting Galahad and spending time "till afternoon" as you did before with Accolon. But then it also says you met Gawain in the dragon lounge last night, which was before meeting Accolon. You might have to sort out which pocket dimension day our walk and talk with him belong to.. it gets a bit confusing to order the events.

I replayed from the beginning, so it took me a bit of time, but I do love the main story development. Hermes going senile is an easy explanation for the way he talks about his old man, which could be Zeus, but also Poseidon and how he seems to get father figures confused. Might be why he had this whole weird confusion about Clemént or not? Old crazy men all overlapping in his memory? I'm a little curious how things are going to play out, bc retrieving the god's ichor that made the realm, would not JUST set Asterion free, it would unravel the realm itself, wouldn't it? No more magic hotel, no more immortal coil. Or is the realm's magic wholly it's own? Or are the seven monsters just seven of the twelve and the rest of them would still uphold the realm? I guess this is what Hermes meant with opening up negotiations. 

The thing I'm a bit sad about is the lack of time for side quests. And I mean in the hotel, not the Hinterlands stuff. I barely even managed to recruit Robert ("we could use some help with some contract stuff" he says to the demon *laughing so hard*) and have a talk with the characters maybe three times or so and get just a bit started on Asterion's project. I think spending a day with Themba before and after Pedro comes in would be quite different and I feel sad that I missed out, bc I was trying to get the gym project done first and left Themba in R&D. Having Khenbish cook up some food to help with the explorer stats could come in handy before the main story progresses to the monster hunting and Nikos's scouting mission, too.
It's only been a couple of months or so, apparently, so I guess not everything is possible to do, but I hope that we can still have some time later to get to at least most of the extra content there. At the end of ch19 it just goes back to the title menu and we can't really try things out without going back to a save point or replaying and trying some different projects in the limited time breaks we have. There was a lot of dedication given to the Hinterland intermissions and Pedro and Oscar's story, but I think doing Kota's personal quest line or just getting to build that swimming pool while still finding the shades and hints in the explorations isn't boring either and I'd love some more time for it within the scope of the mainstory rather than having to tack it on, esp since it changes the flavor for the conversation scenes or the talks we have with Kota and the others noticably.

To reply to some other things, I also think that the gold armband is a promise of the master to protect Asterion from being in the valley against his will and that it comes with the responsibility to protect him from whoever else might try to force it. In that regard Asterion isn't easily forced by anyone other than his designated Master anyway and not that easy to trick either, so I don't think it's a big oversight or unfair. With power comes responsibility, and consequences. Not leaving himself any wiggle room was the master's way of showing sincerity after all that gained Asterion's trust here.

I also kinda look forward to Pedro's reaction to finding out that they can just conjure anything he might want/need. Or mostly anything, with the material restrictions there are. But a set of drums or a musical theater stage or soundproof studio room shouldn't be a problem. Although there is a point to him fulfilling his promise and finally being able to BUY something for his boyfriend, the way he really wanted to.

I'm really sad we have to kinda choose between the troubled peacock and the slightly traumatized snake boy. (Having to live rough in the valley, with magic contract or not *is* traumatizing, it's why Asterion hates it so much after all. And Argos running around with that pelt? yeah, there's a reason he broke down in sobs after getting just a couple hugs.) Technically the hotel should be large enough to accomodate both. Or at least have an outbuilding for Nikos to visit and stay, if he wants to go back home or to school. (Because I do not think Pedro is safe to leave alone and Oscar is not well equipped to care for him, money or not. At least not for a while. And he has to do that video game night with Themba, that was precious.) (Also, the paths were you don't get Themba and all that side business stuff is just not there? I can only ever play artist paths, bc I love Khenbish and he needs the help as much as the designated lounge manager does, but Themba brings so much story bits and helps Asterion make some peace with the past, that missing him is just not a viable option anymore.) So yeah, having both Khenbish and Themba AND Nikos and Pedro are just my greedy little heart wanting them all, bc if even just one is missing it feels like failure more than closure. Or in Themba's case, like missing a chance for Asterion to make peace with what happened and find the connection to the people he lost back then.

All in all great update, please gimme me more hotel business days to play more than one side quest in full and maybe a codex to help figure out how many notes or clay tablets and what not we are missing or looking for and I'll be perfectly happy and set to wait for ch20.

💕 I'm very much looking forward to replaying it all then and will just go the harlot route until then! Good health and energy levels, may the muses be with you guys!

no the vamp lady...............whose name is Evelyn? I'm sorry, I'm really bad with names, esp similar ones. but yeah. the interlude went by really fast with just some text about the dwarves unwilling to really cooperate and no romance, but if Viktor isn't implemented yet it's probably that. it felt a little weird to go a full new update with no sex scene at all. I do really like the story elements though, it never gets boring and still all fits into the world lore without feeling tagged on. Thanks for answering!

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Other than the plot sequence there are no personal scenes. I was kind of trying to romance Viktor, so I have no other romance locked in, but shouldn't the threesome with Jeanne and Ellie show up at least? I just kinda read the dwarven village in a summary and then it's already the end with looking at the northern lights? Maybe I'm spoiled but it feels like something is missing.

I'm not complaining, the story is amazing, but if there's something that doesn't work it'd be a shame. I started from an old safe file, though that shouldn't be an issue?

often has to do with cookie enabling and browser settings, bc it works for me just fine. and there's no download version for tale of crowns as of now. 

go outside at night. and then open your bag? I don't remember but it wasn't complicated. you just need to have something to catch it in, talk to your teacher.

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do.. do you know that arthurian tales are by a bunch of writers over different time periods and they all just hammered any legends together how they interpreted them and a lot of the writing can be interpreted as very homo erotic?? there's no original macho myth of the round table. also way more incest and man eating horses. and the knights end up in dresses fairly frequently at parties gone wrong.

that was said a day ago, so I'm guessing this IS the update. sorry to burst that bubble.

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It looks really cute, but with my dingy old laptop the difficulty is too high, I'm not that fast with the button presses and all... and there's something every two steps. Would maybe be more fun with an actual controller. Still, music, art and atmosphere are all consistent and for people with faster fingers and more coordination on the keyboard this is probably easier and fun.
Also something is not quite right when I try to download the windows version, my winrar keeps telling me it can't unpack the file.

Thank you for fixing it so fast and no problem, please don't apologize! 👍

Uh I'm just a lil confused? I did another playthrough for Gus, but it still ends after we kick out Abel and hear a sound, same as last time? Or was there something in between I missed, bc I didn't find it?

If you talk with Nimue as a friend on the beach she only says Merlin doesn't trust Morgana either, but when you go to the dragon abode with Gawain at the feast and talk about Merlin, it still says "you wonder if she had given him the same warning", which at this point she hasn't done. Just a heads up!

I had the same problem today, but realoading the page (on laptop) solved the issue.

probably a bug with some saves influencing the dialogue... it worked for me. can't help with anything there, sorry, try deleting all saves/cache and restarting?

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then I don't understand your question.counting triangles? the 1 to 9 sequence? or just all of them? they can be googled if you really can't figure it out.

the numbers upside down. 

turn your monitor upside down and read it again.

how come the hardest thing in this game is fishing rather than anything else??? it takes forever to grind this.... T_T 

I like the charas so far though and had fun with.. everything other than fishing. X'D

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he's still kinda an ass and not an especially good person. I don't mind it too much for now, since most people actually are, but I hope MC gets some character development, too in the end.

I also thought Chris was REALLY sus and I'm still not entirely sure if he's for real... xDD So yeah, I wouldn't have romanced him, so I'm not mourning his route.

I loved this so far, it's really enjoyable! I laughed at the tiny people sex position script and named the AI Sutra bc of it. What I like most though is probably the option to play around with your gender and fully make your own decisions about how to handle people, your kinks etc.
The purple eyes are suspicious and it's generally written so well that I'm curious about the world and the plot, driving me along, even if I have to farm for exp and go slower at times.
Question: does the AI get repaired further at some point? According to Arthur it might reset settings to meta human version... despite all the scary aliens, the idea of that slightly psychotic Shipcomputer switching sides on me is still scarier!

Thanks for making and sharing this, it has been a delight to play around with so far!

under your sketchbook, the upper drawer of that shelf. your crafting tools are in there.


there's a writer's lounge with all kinds of IF writers to share resources or try for betas etc. there. I'm not very good with deadlines and take way too long for most people to do the beta, but you might have better luck making some connections there? If you can't find anybody via tumblr or discord, you can message me again, but as I said, I'm very slow, so I'm reluctant to agree and then probably disappoint.

Holy cow! This is rough and needs a beta, but aside from the technicalities, the story drew me in instantly and I already adore the characters and hate that I can't choose more than one option. I loved the sibling hang out as much as the awkward 2 sentence exchange with N. And I want the pillows AND snacks. But I chose and the story went on and while the directly opposed sides are clear, you are per design stuck in the middle. It's awesome and I can't wait how our protagonist might be able to spin this! I hope you find one or two dedicated beta readers to help you edit and refine this gem to truly shine!

Count on it!^^ Thank you for listening and I'm curious to see how it pans out from here!