I had high hopes for this game. The thumbs looked great and visually I was not let down. The artwork throughout is very strong. I really liked the writting too and not to sound like a tourist hoping to visit sector A55 I was a bit sad not to actually enjoy the game loop. Everything worked and was responsive enough I just didn't really get the feedback I needed to know if it was going badly, or going well. It took a while to realise that firing was auto aim and the camera was a bit fast and loose. I kept getting my character up close and filling the screen, this made it even harder to keep track of what was going on. I don't know how easy a fix it is but playing on a dual monitor set up, I repeatedly would click off of the app onto my other screen just to re focus on it and find myself covered in bacteria. It was frustrating. I think there is a fun game in here and it goes without saying that there is an awful lot of love and care that has gone into the making of it. I am not sure it's the strongest game theme wise but I did find the angle that was taken pleasing and how the world was created with the intro was excellent. Great job especially with such a big team to manage.