Really like the papercraft artstyle, made the game super unique. The little notes everywhere gave the world a lot of character. That everything was so animated was pretty impressive, the way things were squashing and stretching gave the game a lot of life. It was a neat idea getting the water to damage paper, gave the gameplay a bit of a twist compared to a normal twin-stick style game.
I did run into a few bugs, which of course are inevitable in a game jam game, but I hope pointing them out is helpful. I had the menu open when I died, so when I respawned I stayed where I was. At one point the game stopped letting me pick up money, which I’m not sure is a bug? but I didn’t see a reason why that was happening.
I’d also say the aiming with the eraser felt a little off to me, as if the aim wasn’t determined by the middle of the player, but one of the sides (maybe a scaling issue?).
Overall a very different and impressive game, amazing how many systems you fit in with such a short time period (inventory, durability, shops, different weapons, etc)!