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Any DAAD game for Spectrum Next should work with ZEsarUX using the following call from command line, while being at the ZEsarUX folder:

zesarux  --noconfigfile  --zoom 1 --machine tbblue --realvideo --tbblue-fast-boot-mode --enable-esxdos-handler  --nosplash  --forceconfirmyes  --nowelcomemessage --esxdos-root-dir "<PATH TO THE FOLDER>" --cpuspeed 100 <FULL PATH TO THE TAP FILE>

Where <PATH TO THE FOLDER> is the PATH in your computer where you extrated the file, and <FULL PATH TO THE TAP FILE> is the same path plus the name of the tap file.

If that doesn't work, try copying only the tap file to the ZEsarUX folder, and then <FULL PATH TO THE TAP FILE> is just the tap file name.

Thank you so very much Uto Dev! It works perfectly with your parameters.