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I’m stuck on a part of the game. I’m trying to do one of the secret character routes. I think the name of the guy I’m trying to romance is Kaede or something. He’s the guy who keeps coming to the pub. I have a few questions regarding his route: 

1. If you agree to having the one night stand with him, will it ruin the route? I get the feeling it does because when I refused the offer his route went on like normal, but I thought I might as well ask anyway.

2. The main question - part way through the route, at the part where he gets very drunk and the bartender tells you you should bring him home and talk to him, regardless of which option I pick he stops showing up. I’ve already gotten past July and he’s still not showing up. Do I just have to be patient and wait for him, or am I doing something wrong? 

3. Kind of an add on to the second question - should I bring Kaede to the love hotel or leave him at the pub?

1) Yeah, if you become his one night stand, you can't progress further in his route.

2) Bring him to love hotel. Next time you meet is at a certain job (there's a new job around December or so?)

Ah, okay. Thank you so much for the help! 

I've been to the pub many times but still haven't met him. Pry tell how what did you do to meet him?

Did you complete tocchan route to active cheat for secret character?You need to work part-time at that bar to meet him.

Pretty much what kiwinyes said. You have to complete Tocchan's route to get the 'unlock secret character routes' cheat. Then you start out by visiting the pub and ordering a drink, then you have to start working there and keep showing up to get all of Kaede's events. I hope this helps!