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(1 edit)

Hey, I wasn’t sure where to write this so I’ll post it here:

I think that the ending of the wizard graduation is strange, noninteractive and disappointing. It’s probably too late in story writing to change it now, but I felt I should mention it anyways.

I thought the reveal of Komoli’s disregard for morality was neat, and the small hint that she might also be doing this as a way to have some sort of reminder of Sierra was incredibly interesting, but unfortunately I feel that is the most I can compliment as neither of these really go anywhere.

From what I played I think the whole point of Komoli’s lack of empathy is used to be able to remove her as headwizard, but considering that Killigan plans on leaving Aris as soon as possible I don’t understand how this is important to the story. It is also introduced and resovled way too fast, with no player input. I even purposely failed all the QTE’s in the fight and nothing happened differently (aside from Killigan being in the buff) so there isn’t even any chance for players to have their own input here.

My biggest issue is that the whole thing is introduced suddenly without foreshadowing (Guster mentions approving funding for expanding the lower areas, this could have been brought up earlier), introduces a potential conflict, monolouges at the reader through Binini (the game points it out but that doesn’t earn it a free pass) and the whole thing is cleared up the next day through a character we’ve never met before coming in, saying what Komoli is doing is wrong (thanks bro), and then taking time to chat with the group before putting someone he’s only heard about because of his crimes in charge of clearing up the mess. You can say Binini was trying to help as much as you want, end of the day he still put more people in danger than Komoli, and Guster has no way of knowing his trustworthiness after being kept in the collosseum for so long.

I read ahead a bit and it’s almost like the characters themselves forget about his whole thing by day 11 anyways

If this whole chapter finishes in less than two days, is localized to an area the main character will be leaving soon, and ends with the only new story point being that Binini, a character the reader was given no reason to care about, is now free to terrorize the town with his unstable creations, and the characters seem to be mostly unaffected by what’s happened anyways, then why was it included in the story.

I appologize for the rant, but I’m going to go to bed now and I was disappointed that this was the last thing I read before bed.

TL;DR: I think the Wizard Graduation reveal is unnecessary, disappointing and should be removed. Of course, if it’s important to the story I understand but it wasn’t satisfying to read.

I want to point out that the reason this upsets me so much is I quite enjoyed the rest of this story, even the parts I find a bit ridiculous.

Thanks for the feedback! (and in this thread is a fine place to put it)

To be honest, I didn't plan this graduation section of the story as well as I could have and ultimately ended up rushing through it. There were  multiple parts I was unsatisfied with (even after a revision build, which addressed Komoli not receiving proper retribution for her actions), and lack of true player agency was an especially regrettable misstep. This section does have significance to the overall story, so I won't be removing it, but I can concede that it could've been handled MUCH better than it currently is now.

In the future, I'll revisit this portion of the story again (with a better plan in mind) in order to provide better buildup, foreshadowing, and payoff between the Summit and the next major story event. Sorry to hear that this section was a negative experience for you, I greatly appreciate your thoughts on it and I hope to remedy it once the opportunity arises.