What did this game do well?
Nice background music.
Lots of different levels!
The map/level is procedurally generated. There's no pattern in the map generation so it doesn't feel repeated.
I like that the controls of the car reflects real life control of the car, it feels nice and more of a casual vibe. The maze was also well done
Fun racing game where you can try different tracks by changing the map. And these tracks are long and challenging.
I like how driving backwards is the best strategy. It makes me feel smart for doing something that doesn't feel intentional (even if it could have been intentional).
It's great to make racing games with maze.
It's a cute concept a new map is generated each time.
I did a similar thing to this for my project so I really like the idea:) driving felt good.
What could this game have done better?
You could consider hiding the seed number in the top left corner: it is somewhat irrelevant to the player. Also, the left and right arrow keys seem too sensitive so it is very difficult to control the car. Lack of sound effects.
Controls were difficult. The game wasn't very intuitive and didn't really have a good mind-mapping.
The control feels janky and it's a bit frustrating to play with it. Maybe it can tweak the parameters to make the driving experience better.
I feel like the controls were a bit weird for a top down view. It would be better if its more of a first person view. It would be more fun if there's traffic so in addition to navigating maze, you also have to avoid colliding into cars
I think the map can be scaled so that players can see the whole track, and can add a time limit to push players to reach the end as soon as possible
The driving feels clumsy, and that in combination with the maps being a maze makes it extra frustrating.
The controlling is not so confortable for it use UP as forward in a 2d map.
The controls are not intuitive. The car often spawns where the road is going vertically and there is no space to go forward so you can't turn easily.
More variance among levels wouldve gone a long way I think.