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So I just finally finished my first playthrough (though I had to backtrack bc I accidentally saved over and loaded some files bc it got late and the buttons are right next to each other) and I got blown away by all the intricate story pieces and how they fit together! I apparently did pretty well since I got the gold wolf rating (just one little bit moooore? why?) and boy did I not expect some of these things.

For one thing, the tile I got from Argos' wine quest behind the kiln was the Ichor one that explains what these violet crystal obsidians in the bedrock are and HOLY COW is that disturbing! Paired with the description of Asterion's hands and the dried up tendons in his wrist and Robert's astute observation of "anemic" divinity and the fact that he was apparently a lot more dextrous in his youth..uh boy. Can I still fix him, please? Also that axe STILL dripping is ... is it draining him? it says something about Zeus' ichor, but somehow it doesn't seem to be it, when I got to read the trial transcripts. It also adds another explanation to Asterion's disturbing mental tangent about turning into stone. 

Second thing I took note of was the foundation thing with all the original terms. It said the Overseer is the only one allowed to enter the realm on his own, everyone else COULD be allowed through an invitation by the Master (aka us?) though. Now that could bring unwanted attention and we wouldn't want Athena or Apollo around and Demeter can go suck a coconut... but it opens some future possibility for Asterion to meet Hades and possibly maybe open the realm enough to meet his old friends down there again for a visit. 

Third thing worth mentioning is that Oscar's intuition is scarily good! His description of the hotel as a layer cake of bad with a frosting of good on top got him all new levels of respect! That he got called "the last drop of blood" just like it was worded in the founding statutes is peculiar and shows he's definitely meant to be there and can maybe help to figure out some major plot points!

The fourth thing is Moloch. Since Asterion mentioned him I looked the name up and the child sacrifice thing was horrifying. And then I got to the Hinterland quest and the conveniently there other bull and all the missing children?? (not Oscar the little sweet potato, I mean his mysterious dad) Also, the goat guy freaked me out a little.. were his eyes red? If anything he LOOKs like a devil, though he's old enough to know Ps grandpa, so ... maybe he got so big by eating the children, who knows. 

The fifth thing I'm keeping in mind is the beached mermaid, the rotten salt lands, the dried up rivers and land... the dried up Asterion.. who is a descendent of Poseidon of all things. Curious thing that. Also ichor was apparently used to create the realm, but it honestly seems to lack liquids (other than wine, thanks Dionysus, don't even need your transcript to figure that one out, you're a real pal!).

I'm sure everyone and their mother who avoided getting tricked by Argos (honestly, that was dumb luck but I'll take it) and figured out the whole Nikos thing already gushed about it (the fake Argos and Io and the "real ones" triggering Hermes? talk about spirals), so I'll take a pot shot at the three vultures (the two black ones circling MC and Nikos when he quits his job, and the white one Asterion sees in the parking lot) and venture a guess that they might be furies. (the whole punishment thing is kind of their domain). Then again vultures were associated with Hades, Ares and Apollo in turn and know as following cows and birds that don't kill (bc they only eat the ones already dead), so it's hard to say. Possibly even harpies under someone in the labyrinth.

I played the art background bc it said I could do renovations on the hotel and that sounded neat and I actually really liked the little bits and pieces where it was tangentially relevant/came into play. Though renaissance paintings, japanese directors, notre dam, the picasso sketches and zulu pottery, MC's knowledge is so eclectic. I also loved Asterion's shirt (I saw some screenshots with .. not so pretty designs and yeah, artists are the best.)
I lucked out a lot, bc with both Kenbish and Themba the hotel is actually fully staffed and functional for all areas and I loved Themba's connection to Asterion and the hotel, he DOES have some old friends still! I won't be able to pick Kenbish, knowing that, even though he probably needs the job more and the restaurant is understaffed as yeah, Art MC for the win! (plus the reception looks friggin empty without some additions) Pedro can take care of his debts and go to uni and get some therapy, Niko can take shelter till we figure out what's up with the gods and go back home after they no longer want to kill him, and by then Pedro can come back and move in with a hopefully more independent Oscar. After a roundtour where he figures out what's up with the missing children, bc he left his feathers around the hut by the pond. I think. the dead butterflies and the salt were distracting.

A real compliment goes to whoever designed the hotel front, bc that IS a really great design! the bull imagery, the minoan architecture touch and the showcasing of Asterion's intelligence in figuring out natural temperature flows in infinite hallways.. it's great!

As for the staff, Luke is ... a bit crass, but growing on me. I like him more when I imagine him as a silverfox grandpa, rather than some young brash know-it-all, the age just helps me shrug my shoulders in resignation as I do at the dinner table on holidays.
Kota is very tightly wound up and I haven't done much in his personal quest, but he's looking for a red dragon and believes in soulmates, so I guess he's looking for them? If he's searching, why is he keeping all the information a secret though, he doesn't want to tip them off? They argued/betrayed each other? I'll unravel that mystery next playthrough (after sleeping. a lot.) But I liked that his romantic quest makes him into the aunt in law squishing our faces together and telling us to kiss. Robert is pretty cute, though I wonder for how long he can take a sabbatical from his job and his 0 for tech frustrates me when I want to put him in R&D rather then sending him exploring the desert in that outfit and can't. In general, so far his expertise with contracts is not really needed or comes to late for the game as it is now and it's a little sad that he mostly ends up being redundant/on tag along support)
Themba is by far my favourite though, and Khenbish on second place (yeah actually before Kota on third). Their backgroundstory and actually pretty solid emotional maturity are nice, though Khenbish's angry/shocked illustration is a bit extreme in some contexts (drinking game), because he looks like he's screaming loud enough to be heard throughout half of the floor.
The cobalts are cute and helpful, but I somehow hope their mysterious appearing out of nowhere will be part of a mystery solved later on, it would just be neat.

Now I really need to sleep and then manage a second playthrough where I actually don't just play in one setting.. I didn't realize it would be THIS long and just expected things to cut off for like 3h, 4h, 5h... But worth it! It's a really sweet and rewarding romance with a very solid build up of the relationship, even though it starts from the worst place imaginable. The only problem is...  I fell so hard for Asterion (and the fact that he's smarter than he lets on and struggles so hard and relatable) that I now miss him already.
It's a really lovely game and I didn't expect this level of story telling and emotional depth and believable characters all in one package in an essentially free download. Thank you for helping me survive the boredom of quarantine!

I love everything you wrote down! I been piecing a few things together and your take makes a whole lotta sense

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! Most of it is because I got stupidly lucky with the hints and tiles I pillaged in the valley, but yeah, I do tend to remember all kinds of usually inane details in games and books and it actually really helps in this game. Finally my talent is relevant! xDD

Edit: Though, it could still be wrong and most of it is conjecture, though not without context clues.