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if you look at the dates on the posts you'll notice that his explanation came after my inquiry. And I don't know why youre acting like I'm picking in them, the game hasn't been discontinued yet, so *if* they had pirated the game off of an independent developer, I would see plenty off issue with that. Seeing as they didn't, I still think asking the author to release it for free is a bit distasteful, but expressing concerns about the games release and choosing to only play the free demos is entirely up to them and I have no issue with that. I don't see why you take my comment to be anything more than a discouragement of wrongfully pirating an independent product, something I even said in the original comment, may or may not be what they did, which evidently they didn't.

Okay so I never asked the developper to release it for free, I simply asked if there were any future plans for a free release and if there wasn't one I wouldn't have complained. Don't twist my words just to cause a pointless argument.

your comment is the parent of the thread, I'm aware of that... but I wasn't talking about you at all. I was replying to the comment bellow you. If you think I'm twisting your words way out of context, maybe take a step back and wonder if I was ever talking to you to begin with.