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Seven Laggs

A member registered May 06, 2020

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I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy this game before I say this, but in it's current state it is unplayable for me. In the first repair the battery is finicky in whether the game recognizes that i have replaced it or not. I had to reset twice before i was able to finish. Once i moved onto the second level the repair actually went smoothly until the very end, when I attempted to put the battery cover back on it would just go back to it's place on the desk. Very cute game, I love the style and the gameplay, but I'm not going to play if I have to continuously reset to get a lucky game-state. Keep up the great work, however!

your comment is the parent of the thread, I'm aware of that... but I wasn't talking about you at all. I was replying to the comment bellow you. If you think I'm twisting your words way out of context, maybe take a step back and wonder if I was ever talking to you to begin with.

if you look at the dates on the posts you'll notice that his explanation came after my inquiry. And I don't know why youre acting like I'm picking in them, the game hasn't been discontinued yet, so *if* they had pirated the game off of an independent developer, I would see plenty off issue with that. Seeing as they didn't, I still think asking the author to release it for free is a bit distasteful, but expressing concerns about the games release and choosing to only play the free demos is entirely up to them and I have no issue with that. I don't see why you take my comment to be anything more than a discouragement of wrongfully pirating an independent product, something I even said in the original comment, may or may not be what they did, which evidently they didn't.

It's not reasonable to expect to pay any less than the developer asks for their product. Especially when It's something as cheap as $10. And if you are seriously pirating the game of an independent dev as the other reply suggests, then you are an asshole.

Incredible job, this is a great idea for a game, I would like to offer up some fixes though, as some parts of the game seemed confusing or frustrating. There's this common problem where the yellow moving boxes can get pushed inside of an object. I think it would be good to check if this could happen in your physics loop the frame before and if so, maybe freeze the movement of the room? I'm sure that's a hard thing to pull off so I want to offer up a smaller idea for another issue I had. There are levels where you have to activate a pressure plate, which causes a hidden yellow thing to appear. This is a great mechanic, although I tend to not know where the thing is beforehand and on multiple occasions a was crushed inside of it and had to redo the level. I don't see why they must be completely invisible before they activate. Is it possible you could add a yellow dotted outline to indicate that it is in fact there so that I know not to stand there while activating the pressure plate? Thank you very much if you read this devs and if the game is still being worked on I hope you at the very least consider these, I 100% understand if you dont implement these.



Lovely, thanks

controls are completely unresponsive in a match, i can only exit to main menu. no controls will work regardless if im on Dual mode or Key mode

hold shift to sprint, you should have plenty of time