ayy you again i really dont do that much level design as i have only made 2 games which are mostly telling stories and less game but i know some things about level design so here is what i think:
1. Reward Players Whenever They Deserve It.
any thing like a power up or a score booster any thing work just give the player some rewards in in the middle
2.give players direction without holding their hands
One of the difficulties of designing levels is finding a balance between making sure players can figure out what to do (or where to go) next without forcing them. In other words, just as many players are likely to get frustrated over getting lost, as there are players who will get bored if the next step is always laid out for them.
3. In each level give the player something new
See players get bored by seeing the same thing over and over again so stop doing that in your levels
yea that's it