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A member registered Aug 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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(Spoilers, it is not a top down game)

I just don't know if I'll be able to pull it off in 3 days, but I can try.

its felt like a week since the previous jam ended, couldn't have been two

I thought they only happened every two weeks, welp I need something to do for the rest of my week so I'll join.

In comparison to 161 entries, I'd say thats good.

Its 4 am, I'm tired and the results are in. Got 13th for use of presentation so thats good I guess. I'm exhausted, good night.

Quite fun, nice concept. The pixel art is good however some of the art is not scaled properly with the rest of the art. I also feel like the limitation could have been implemented a bit better. Good job though.

Well now I have to speedrun it

Nice mechanics, although I wish the light stayed a bit longer as I felt like I didn't get enough time to memorize the stage and it occassionally led me to brute forcing the later levels. Also I am unsure if its due to my stupidity, but I was kind of lost during the beginning, not realizing I had to click on the boxes to make the bottles drop. The game would also benefit from some kind of music or sounds. Otherwise the visuals are nice and the use of the limitation is quite creative.

I have some free time, I'll check it out.

It will be like 3 am for me once the jam ends. Due to my growing awful sleep schedule, I might be awake at that time.

I probably should have made the controls a bit more visible (You can hold R to restart levels, and I intended it to be used in that level if the player was late). Anyways it's good to hear that you enjoyed my little game. As always, I will try and improve as time goes on.

Cool game, nice usage of the limitation and nice art + music.

Good music, nice art and good use of the limitation.

Nice visuals, interesting mechanics and nice sound effects. If it had a lot more levels, it would be a great boredom killer. Kind of wish there wasn't a cooldown for moving, however I can see why you would have implemented it. Overall a great game for this game jam.

I guess it is kind of hard to think of something good with a limitation in a short time, hopefully you have better luck next jam you participate.

I apologise if you have experienced crashing (I didn't get any during my testing, so I am unsure what could have caused them.) However the soft locks should have been prevented by holding R to restart levels. I'm sorry you didn't have the best possible experience with my game and I hope to improve as time goes on and prevent anything that could make my games unplayable.

It should be possible to hold R to restart levels, which should prevent softlocking. 

Challenging levels, interesing use of the limitation and decent art. Overall a good experience.

Personally, I didn't enjoy the slippery movement. However the art was good and the mechanic of having to destroy as few lanterns as possible to beat the game is neat. One thing that I'm probably a bit too dumb to notice is how this game fits with the limitation (You are your own enemy). Nevertheless, good game, 7/10.

Fun puzzles, interesting use of the limitation and good art style.

I can't wait to see everyone's submissions.

What do you guys think?

Finished my game. Waiting for the rest of you now. Good luck, once again.

Alright thanks for the tips. Really appreciate it.

Something to do with reflections.

How do you guys think of the design for your levels. I would appreciate the responses as I am currently struggling to design a few levels for my game.

don't you think you're a bit overconfident?

I got my basic mechanic setup, I just need to make more levels and make it somewhat enjoyable. Also for the first time since ever, I decided to add sound to my game.

I'm going to sleep now, its 23:46 for me and I need to be ready to code for the limitation tomorrow.

I kinda regret not adding sound effects. Oh well, maybe in the next game jam I partake in.

I would have loved to add music and sound effects, but im neither experienced in music design or know how to add sound in godot

probably a good idea

Looks good, and the soundtrack is nice too.

Nice music, good art and a great concept with good puzzles. Kinda wished it was longer though.

Ok I uploaded a HTML5 version, try using that.

(1 edit)

Does your pc support GLES 3?

have you tried reopening it?

it should work on windows 10 (that is the current os im using)

What are you running the game on?