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brug, they said on sunday that was a damn lie >:(

(1 edit) (+1)

They sed they had to move the releasebecause ofterrible massacre of Bucha or something, go see the comwnt.


You’re free to tell to families of the hundreds of raped, tortured and cold bloodily executed people their lives don’t matter because you wanna fap.

I hope other people understand why we decided to do it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I completely understand and i am not going to force you to post the new episode. I know how hard and difficult it is for you guys and i will never put your gane before your lives, you are worth more then that.  (If i expressed myself correctly, you'll undertand what i mean)

omg, i didn't even know i'm actually sorry!! i would try to help you and your country/place to make it a better and safe place!

damn! that is so fucked up!! i hope they can rot in hell or go to a mental asylum *no offense*