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Really good game. Animations, lore, art. It's really good. The ending seems like it was just starting. Pretty cool. Just an experience I had though is that the dash attack doesn't really seem useful. While playing I wasn't even dodging anything and just spammed left click to regen. The dash attack should be more powerful in my opinion. Right now, the additional animation build-up isn't worth the damage the dash could dish out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you enjoyed it! I agree about the dash attack. I had thought about significantly boosting the damage amount for it, but ultimately left it where it was. Right now it sits about 5 points above all the others, but certainly not enough to make the player go out of their way to use it. I had hoped it would be used to stun enemies a little further away to buy some time. Thanks for the feedback though, and thank you for playing!