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(2 edits) (+1)

Dude :l duude :o DUUUDE! xO jeeze, this VN! "^^_ Haha, it's really the best~! :D I just finished reading through the last 4our chapters and, oh gosh, xou really throw us through emotions, ne? :P 1ne minute I'm laughing, the next I'm crying, and eventually I'm blushing as my heart swells UwU I've said it before and I'll say it again, xou're a reeeaaallly good writer! >_</ thank xou sooo much for sharing this amazing story with us! And as much as I don't want the story to finish, I'm so excited to see how it ends! n_n

1ne thing I want to suggest though, I'd really like xou to use xour sprites more. I understand the tale is meant to be seen through Lucas's eyes, so I get it when xou don't show the sprites when characters are walking and such, but when they are sitting down, or even when Lucas is in bed with George, I really think xou should display sprites. Xou've put so much work into them that I think they deserve to be shown as much as possible~ Also, I believe seeing thier emotions will really help solidify some of those heartwarming moments~

Keep up the amazing work! <3

Thank you so much Phamyne, for all your kind words. Yeah, kind of makes me sad to know that we're close to the final chapters, but yeah, it has been a good ride. Even if it is now well known as other VNs, I consider myself happy, because all of you got to read my story. Most of the things you've been reading actually happened to me, so the fact that you can emphatize so much with Lucas means you can empathize with me. And that makes me happy.

Regarding the sprites, yeah, I also wanted to include more "visuals" when each character speaks, but I think not including them was a way to bring you more story related stuff. Like I've stated in some devlogs, I am the only one working on this, and work/the house project/other personal projects and the VN... I think I'm really good at organizing my time hahaha. But yeah, I also wanted to bring more "visuals", but my "programmer sanity" told me to focus on writing and translating hahaha. 

That's it. Thank you again Phamyne for your constant support. It really warms my heart.

Have a very nice day/night nwn.