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(6 edits) (+1)

(Reporting a bug I think) I was playing it again but i skipped to the Meeting Apollo and When he went to give us an introduction he said Isaac and when we speak it also says Isaac

(I did have my name changed...I think I did anyway)

(This part isn't a bug report its just a question) Will there be different Story changing outcomes from the choices you make? And will we have to at any point talk to are parents/George`s

(also isnt a bug report) Did you get rid of the part where you tell whats his face the FBI dude to fuck off. Just finished that part and i am happy to see that its just a normal part of it now 

We are aware of that bug and have fixed it. Should be good to go starting from the next Patreon build.

Also, no, there won't be any choices in this novel past the prologue and the story will be fully linear. -w-