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This is an attractive game. The graphics are very cute (although I think the camera might be a little too zoomed out for the player to properly appreciate them), and the sound effects are great. The explosions feel meaty and satisfying, what with the varied SFX, the screen shake, the rubble, etc.

The design choice to allow infinite pickups is an interesting one. In the beginning, it was satisfying, but it reached a point of absurdity when I got to 80 health, and it made sense for me to just sit on top of the explosions rather than run back and forth.

Also, the game could use more variety in the challenge; I got through about 4 levels but didn't see much difference from one to the next (other than the randomly generated terrain & pickups).

Note: On my first playthrough, I had an infinite fall, but the game didn't enter a game over state. I had to refresh the page.


Hey thanks for your words. It’s hard to balance this one in so little time. To fit the limitation I didn’t want to add any enemies to make it harder for the player but I guess that to get the balance right it’s hard. Maybe I could add random damage for rock/tnt hits not just -1. While playing I’ve died too, (if you don’t get any whisky it may happen). Anyway, hey it’s just a roguelike done in 24h.