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A member registered May 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Up to you, don’t worry. There will be just a theme, and it will be pretty open.

I just created this on Discord, I hope it helps!

Eskerrik asko! Tipografía grape soda da

Hey thanks!, I hope you found the book useful!

0:40 was the timer when I moved the box to the top :)

I hate it and I love it at the same level, hahaha! You applied the limitation with a single button mechanism, amazing visuals too.

Similar ideas xD! Great game for this short jam. I was expecting to use the same design as the de cover, that would be awesome!

0:40 a bit slow. I like the idea, maybe I would spent more effort on adding juicy effects rather than the backstory, which is nice but in a short jam I would go with polishing as much as possible the base mechanic: trail effects, sound effects, etc.

Nice!We had similar ideas. In fact I was about to reuse one of my games that features a climbing penguin ( Maybe this one requires more patience, but great entry anyway!

We had similar ideas… I love how this one looks and feels, simple but really nice.

Great visuals, hard to beat, and on top of everything: amazing audio! xD

As simple as great idea! Great fit for the jam too.

Very cute graphics and nice idea! I was expecting a pure mirroring but the implementation was interesting.

(1 edit)

Great idea and good mix of pong and breakout! Fits really well with the jam

I love this minimalistic 3D games. Nice puzzle game!

Not bat for 2 hours. While I was playing I thought that maybe it should be better to set the paddle in the middle of the screen, with balls coming from both directions.

Simple but effective. I wish it had more juice but otherwise, great entry!

Really beautiful and dreamy scenarios! It’s a shame that is that short..

Hey, very nice game (I also wanted to do some mirroring thing). I would just make the restarts faster, otherwise is a perfect game for this jam!

Oh man, firing that “laser” feels so good! Very nice Roguelike

Neat art! it produces a bit of anxiety hahaha

Nice art, I guess that it may be reused from another game, but the implementation is for this jam is great.

Great idea here. It would be awesome to turn this into a table game.

I really like the implementation of the limitation here, mixing puzzle and ability. I would be great to add tons of juicy effects on it.

Hey thanks for trying it. I had to decide if the player could go through walls or not. I finally went with blocking because otherwise the rooms won’t make much sense. Probably it was a bad decision and players feel that the move is not flowing. Anyway, it’s easy to change it.

Really great art and good idea. I wish my memory was better haha! Maybe I would add a bit of juice on the drilling (more sound or debris), but be careful or you will add as much juice as I did :)

I use Phaser because I’m very comfortable with JS and I like to have control of the building process. I don’t like heavy environments like unity or unreal and for the style of games that I like to create Phaser is enough.

I also thought of the word “feel” on this one. The moves and the response to controls is great. It looks simple but with a great style too. Very solid entry!

Nice puzzle! I specially love the visuals, really unique!

Really cute character and interesting mechanics!

55m, not bad. Nice idea… I was thinking if you could turn this into some kind of air golf.

Here is the winner guy! Perfection!

(1 edit)

Eskerrik asko! Jam hau jokua hasteko oso baliotsua izan da niretzat,orain jarraipena eman nahi diot. Horregatik izena aldatu eta webgunea montatu dut. Ea jendeari gustatzen zaion 🤞

Logoa ikusterakoan puzzle estiloko jokua espero nuen, zurezko piezakin. Istorioa oso ona iruditzen zait, agian idei sakonegia zen 48 asteburuko jam batean osatzeko? Dena den, eskerrik asko materiala partekatzeagatik!

Ez naiz mekanika honen zalea baina bistan da asteburu bakar batean egindako lan ikaragarria!

3d xinplea baina oso itsurosoa! Agian efektu gehiago jarriko nituzke (hautsa) jauzietan eta beste efekturen bat azenarioak hartzerakoan: puntuak goraka eto soinu bereziak. Dena den, zorionak jokua osatzeagatik.

Baliabideen kudeaketa & scape room bat nahastu duzue. Oso ongi aurkeztuta gainera!

Biraka mugitzearen efektua eta arrastoa ikaragarri ona iruditzen zait. Bi egunetan egiteko oso joku ona! pd: Logotipoa César Oroz-en estiloa dauka.

I like a lot the style and the music. It feels like a Spectrum game :D