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I didn't want to leave a 1-star negative review as I know there's a lot of work that goes into crafting a Visual Novel, and I don't want to affect your ability to develop and sell your story moving forward. Here's my thoughts after getting through Chapter 1.

This is a quite bare-bones experience for $6.99. If you buy it know that you're doing so to support a storyteller, however I feel it still needs work for the Chapter 1.

There's approximately 2 hours of playtime as advertised, however a lot of it is dialogue that feels like a chore to get through + way too many "character smiles at you" or "you smile at a character" moments in the writing. If it was a drinking game any time someone smiled you'd be dead of alcohol poisoning pretty quick,

I know it's only the first pass at the story / first chapter, and I just wanted to share this as something to be aware of as you dial in your story and I believe you'll be able to make a better product. I hope ya don't take the feedback in a negative way and can use it to fine-tune your writing.

Also - some of the images were over-exposed in the renders - something to work on. 

I liked the concept of the story - the premise was unique and I'd be curious to see how it plays out, but it has to be tightened up from a dialogue standpoint / remove a lot of 'smiles'.


Thank you for your in-depth comment! Yes, I definitely agree that there are way too many 'smiles' etc. in the dialogues here. This is something that I'm focusing on improving for the 2nd Episode. There will also be many more choices from now on. I also agree that some of the images were overexposed - lighting is quite difficult to get right, and it might take a while to always be able to get it right, but I'm slowly improving. Thank you once again and hope you'll still check out next episodes when they come out! :) 


Glad to hear you took it well and glad to see you're still actively working on this. Will check it out when released - fully aware renders get better the more ya do :D