Hi, a friend of mine just bought this for my bday and im loving it btw, but I seem to be having a load glitch I am saving it just before the visualisation part of the auditions seeing im trying to write a walk through right now I wanna try all possibilities. but 9/10 my save bugs and it either throws me back into a foreplay séance when I should be at a audition <romanced shuu btw if that helps> or it just throws me back in my room but it still is the audition date, so ultimately I get screwed out of a role more often then not even if I have the right requirements, so eventually I get a game over from not maintaining enough income. Im using windows 10.....please help T-T
Found a way around you have to save during the black screen before seeing the audition room, or the night before, both are a little awkward but its a way around I spent all night figuring out....so maybe its something to do with the code of the audition room? Just speculation hoping to help fix bug Is all.
If I may ask, when did you start playing the game? (because while the saving randomly transferred to foreplay bug should be fixed, old save files will still be affected).
The only way to move forward is to just continue through the foreplay mode (the days will be rolled back several days usually) and re-save there.