Day 5, so only 1 design made because the issues that comes with it and few more issue in other stuff, but it all done :)
So here the gif focused for the design, the rope.
The rope is used to reach places elevator style thing, when the player grab it, the player can go up and down. The player can shoot and attack technically midair, when the player gets off, it length return to the max ungrab length when not grabbed. This design can be used not only for puzzles, but for platforming as well.
This is not important, you can skip this paragraf. I added two max length for this, max ungrab length(gonna call it ungrab length), and max length, if the rope's length is less than the ungrab length, it will go down until it hits the ungrab length, if more, it will go up, ungrab length will run when not being grabbed(a bit obvious, also technically not really max, just point where to stop) , the max length is run when grabbed, it stop going down when the length reach the max length.
The rope probably defies few logic in the final product, but don't ask :|
And that's all people, good bye and will see you tomorrow ;)