Thats the part, "Insert Scenario DIsks" Im trying to undo. Ive used the other methods of the emulator menus including the "insert disk into drive 1" stuff. It goes to load the scenerio disks I dont want. I have multiple scenerio disks I use and would like to be able to switch them, it just after I pressed the "insert scenerio" disk, the emualator goes to that disk as opposed to anything I chose in the other choices.
Are you running 2 instances at the same time? That wouldn’t work.
Here’s another thing that should always work (as long as you’re running a single instance of the game at once):
Back up your scenario files in the saved games folder to another folder, then move the ones you want into the saved games folder every time you want to run a different party. Keep your different scenarios in their own folders and move them to the saved games folder before playing.