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That was certainly a... novel experience.


You know, most people tend to use ironic self-awareness as a defense against the mundane and the cliche, but what many irony lovers struggle to understand is that irony for the sake of irony starts to resemble its own cliche after a while.

Sometimes, stories are allowed to just be stories... and the 'point' of a self-aware story is only as meaningful as the viewer thinks it is. Undertale and other narratives like it had that problem as well.

I can appreciate the naga's honesty, at the very least.


Ah, a marble statue with its' fig leaf removed - there used to be a mystery behind it, but now? Just a sight a little uncomfortable to look at.
But somehow this sight still fills you with determination.

That's one way of looking at it, yeah.

Most of the other people in the room would just brush it off as 'cringe' and make a few sarcastic jokes about Tumblr.

And if you don't fit in with either category, then what's really left?

It would be nice to live a life free from burdened fear, to not have to constantly question and doubt what lies behind the wide smiles and cheeky winks.