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A member registered Jan 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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I can't seem to be able to start a new game. I tried a variety of keys, but W and S only switch between new game and continue.

Currently relaying the game to prepare for harder difficulties... is there a trick to figuring out the hitbox for the player character? It's not clear from her model.

It's a fun concept.

(2 edits)

It's a fun game, though it could have used some polish.

Hitboxes are a bit janky. The dash ability has weird physics, and you can get stuck on terrain. Double jump has weird interactions with screen scrolling. The shield does nothing to help the player.

It's an interesting game. I believe that some music would add to the experience, and the starting inaccuracy is a bit harsh.

It's an interesting game about root physics, though it feels a bit grindy in terms of cash for shop items.

It's interesting and challenging. Having the Earth pieces affecting the ship momentum presents a tricky obstacle.

The laser weapons are fun to use, but it feels like the MIRV missiles don't do much damage.

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It's... abstract. Also on the challenging side, but it's interesting.

Enemies juggling the head for repeated damage is a bit much.

It's a very abstract game. Tricky and fun base building defense.

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It's a very fun game. I really liked the heaven music.

It's an interesting setup, though a button to view the map and equipment status would have been handy. Plus a way to view detailed info about the day / night / time cycle.

It was a fun small game. Made it to 53 m.

Last a few days, defenses were overrun because I was worried about the empire budget.

It was a very fun experience.

It was a fun game. Got lots of mileage of the extra fire bullet and fire rate increase upgrades.

It's an interesting experience.

It's an interesting concept, shifting between day and night as light form is immune to light bullets and dark form is immune to dark bullets. However, the browser optimization could have used some work.

I really liked the music and art style. Though, it would have been nice to have a camera view selection so you could keep track of the extra magic balls.

It's an interesting concept. Making the powerups random cycling was an interesting decision.

It's an interesting concept, but I don't see a key for jumping. Z / X / Space / L Ctrl don't seem to do anything, and the browser optimization could be a bit better.

It's an interesting tactical game. Seems a bit harsh that death result in having to start over from the beginning.

It's a fun concept, but the sound design was a bit on the harsh size.

It's an interesting concept. Had trouble with the controls. WSAD is for forward and backward movement. Arrow keys are for turning and swinging the sword... but I couldn't find a keyboard key to open the starting door.

It's an interesting concept. Tension through minimalism, like with the Stanley Parable.

It's an interesting concept, if a bit morbid.

It was a very fun puzzle game. The second section caught me off guard, and the ending was... very unfortunate for the wizard.

It's a very fun puzzle game. Though, the ending was a bit anti-climatic. I also noticed the same extra thread that beekie noticed.

It's an interesting premise.

(1 edit)

The experience is... interesting.

Gameplay loop feels unintuitive at first, as the player doesn't have the resources to fight the most common enemy type at the start, and there is no map of any sort. Searching around yields a stationary hourglass save spot location where you can save and power up, but equipment items have a much larger effect on gameplay.

HP+ 2 is helpful when all foes in the area deal 3 damage, extra attack didn't do much, extra focus is rendered irrelevant when you find a Faceless Fetish, and defense appears to be practically worthless, only providing a chance to turn a 3-damage hit into a 0-damage hit when the player takes damage. The most useful stat besides HP is agility so the player can strike first, but the Bismuth Bell takes care of that.

The valuable equipment items are the Somnus Shroud (greatly decreases focus drain, letting you travel longer in one session), Faceless Fetish (massively increases focus, meaning you can stay in the dream world indefinitely), Bismuth Bell (greatly increases agility, so you can always land the first strike against foes), and Idol of the Dreamer. The latter did quite a bit of damage at level 3, meaning I could take out the common foes in two hits, allowing me to conserve pink flesh healing items and other consumables. Broken Sword has far less damage per swing. Not sure what factors into the damage calculations. I thought that the Idol scaled based on focus, but equipping three Faceless Fetishes didn't boost the damage, and it made me realize how important the Bismuth Bell's agility boost is when in combat.

One thing I feel conflicted about is the deconsecrator item used to unlock blue doors. Metroidvania style-progression is what it is, though it looks like the best way to stock up on deconsecrators is to repeatedly slay weak foes over and over until they drop a Deconsecrator or another rare item.

The thing I feel iffiest about is stamina. The menu spell can restore 10 stamina per use, almost up to the maximum stamina. This means that there is no reason to use stamina restoration items, and the mechanic simply restricts the player's ability to sprint, which wasn't very fun.

It's a very fun and inspired game.

Boosted my top score from 76910 to 103780 by focusing on upgrades for slimes and golems, but after a point, the heroes are very strong and can blast their way through your army with powerful AOE attacks, and I'm not sure if there's a way to power through that assault.

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It's a very inventive and mind-bending puzzle premise.

I found that the best strategy was to have each iteration go as slowly as possible using staggered movement, time permitting, so that future iterations would have more room to act.

It's interesting how most streamers tend to say the same types of things, over and over again.

In contrast, this game was very unique and inspired. Fun, too.

The game was interesting. Though, it's odd that losing all heart points means having to start over from the beginning.

Throwing and grappling was fun, but there was no key to reel the heart in if there is no grapple connection.

Story was intriguing, but the ending text raised more questions than it answered.

It's interesting. Turning felt a bit wonky and driving speed was a bit slow. Got stuck in an open area as there wasn't much indication for the next scene trigger.

The puzzle mechanics were fun. The setting was very interesting, but the end was... somewhat of a downer.

The art is nice, but I only saw a method for getting one of the five music disks.

It's a fun and inventive puzzle game. The story and ending were a bit abstract, but it was interesting.

It was a novel puzzle experience. Took me a few tries to figure out the matching pairs of spirits to form platforms.

It was a fun game, and the story was cute. 6 minutes, 23 seconds, 9 saves.

It's a fun game. Top score was 32. Round 6 was quite the doozy.

It's a very fun and creative concept.