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Tbh you do have a point, people who dont move onto your other stuff do feem like they're mostly here for someone else's stuff, and the legal side of things really isnt something to joke about. Can't say I know how that must feel, but I'll make sure to show just as much love to as many of your projects as I can here on!! I've already compulsively read and played everything Solanaceae (Battam is a real diva, everything about that smile of his brightens up my day) and Space School. Seeing your art develop through that last one was also super great!! Really motivates starting artists like me. 

Since you've mentioned fan content, me and a friend of mine have beem going through this Tomai wave together, and we've been thinking of doing some fan stuff of it! (Actually its mostly them since Im really not much of a writer, but I'll still make lots of art!! The info on the Art Book surely helped with some ideas for world-building). He's talking about learning english just to be able to publish this, so hope you'll be able to read it when its done!

Really nice talking to you today Dc, you have no idea how much better you made my entire week with all this attention, I really cant stop smiling! You're very patient and gentle to everyone you talk to, so as a person and an artist, I'll be delighted to continue supporting you from now on and for as long as we both keep it going!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

(Oh, last thing before I forget, I did go through your store looking for Tomai stuff a few days back, and realized the mini-print has a misplaced description. It's the same as the one on the One-eyed Lee mini-print, don't know if its supposed to be a placeholder or just a mistake, but I thought it'd be good to tell ya about it anyways just in case its the later, it could be confusing for people looking into getting that adorable print! (Aka me. I need it. It will be mine.) ๐ŸŒธ

Yeah, the legal stuff is really where it gets like, "Do I really want to gamble so much for just the potential of something doing well?" Haha!

Thanks so much for checking out my other work! Solanaceae in particular is super close to my heart and the upcoming game for it is really shaping up to be something fun for fans, I think. (And, I think the way the story will ultimately end once the comic and big games is all done is going to be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it.)

I'd be SUPER happy to check out anything you make involving the Tomai boys, and more than happy to share it around socials and the like too. I adore fan work (especially fan fiction) and will absolutely check it out. It's so fun to hear both you and a friend are into Tomai together-- that really made my day to read!

Thank you for your kind words and thoughtfulness, it really does mean a lot to me and I really do hope you'll continue to enjoy my stuff, as I've always got something new lined up. And hey! Thanks for letting me know about the print, that was just a little mistake from how stuff works on the back end on my store, WHOOPSIE. It's fixed now!