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(2 edits)

Suzie stops MC and says "She [Petal] can't know about me" and then four slides later says to MC "Hand her the glasses and i'll explain everything to her" and then Petal says "oh, hey Suzie" as if she already understood everything.

That doesn't make sense to me.


Suzi is a well known phone assistant. Just like Alexa, or Siri. What Petal can't know about is the fact that Suzi is now a full fledged Artificial Intelligence. So when Suzi explains that the MC won a raffle, she's doing it as the Suzi that Petal knows, not the new Suzi that is a fully sentient AI. 

 Okay cuz that kinda confused me also

If it confused a lot of people, I'll go back and make that clearer. Thank you for the feed back, Dabomberhawk and ChadGamer.

u will think about switch joke tho right? 

I'll think about it. :-)
