- Got a working enemy. Just patrols back and forth and doesn't fall of ledges, will mostly be a nuisance.
Don't know what the sprite's gonna look like. Right now its a modified godot icon. - Elevators. Was a pain in the ass but now they work. Both horizontal and vertical.
- A basic attack. I kinda like the huge smear from the sword. Can kill enemies now, which is always nice.
- A arrow trap. Needs work, both the mechanic and the sprite.
To open the door to the boss area you need to find two crystals (cliché, but whatever) and place them in the hands of the statues next to the boss entrance (pictured at the top)
So the dungeon will be split in four areas. Intro, hub/boss area and the east and western path where the crystals will be. Not to overwhelming (for me) i hope.