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I have some questions. I just finished 'I own you a beer' with Logan and already got 2nd heart with him. (It's great story and kinda heartwarming somehow).

After that, I pay a visit to him again and gift him a flower arrangement. The dialogue has change! And he suggest about hot spring. Is there any event with him at hot spring? or it just my imagination lol

And another question, is 'I own you a beer' event repeatable? Since the MC ask him to pay visit again at MC house and he said not now.

(1 edit) (+1)

waitwaitwaitwait... a hot spring you say? hmm... I did give him a flower and a tank top as a gift after the second heart but no mention about a hotspring? Gonna recheck it later...

So far I know the event isn't repeatable, unfortunately... Would love to be proven wrong..

EDIT: Ok I checked already, he mention that if you want to put a fancy decoration somewhere then you should've visit the hotspring instead of the sawmill... and then your MC is teasing him, so I don't think it was a legit invitation from him :/ 


Aww how sad. But I just get to know that I can also give a tank top as a gift. Thank you very much!