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Good job with this game. We loved the ambition and we saw a great variety of monsters in the Doom 2D sprite style. Unfortunately we found it unplayable hard. We couldn't get past the first area where there are lots of guards with guns and after about 20 attempts we gave up. We kept running out of bullets before we could kill the toast monsters. Perhaps we just missed how we get more ammo and the guns seem out of purchasing range. Congratulations on the intro cut scenes, nice story with good graphics. The dither on the sky is a cool effect. The bullet time SuperHot mechanic was very cool and we liked it a lot, although we didn't see very much of it before we died! It would be cool to see a play through video of this to see what we're missing. Great submission. Well done.

(1 edit) (+2)

the strategy that best works for me is to poke my head out and shoot at the sniper until he dies and drops 100 gems or so. So this about 8-10 times and you'll have enough for the cryo gun. Sorry the game takes a bit of farming early on, but I believe that it gets a lot more fun from there. Definitely check it out again if you have the chance, I'm pretty sure someone will post a video... If not I'll upload one myself this weekend 😊