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(1 edit)

the update is awesome but the pink marchung fish is now useless for players who wants to keep their max stats digimon alive and the only thing i see is the 5million bits fruit to somewhat fix the aging . i dont know what kind of effect the fruit gives because 5million is a long boring thing to raise. you shouldve added the happiness thing to that pink fish rather than replacing it . got me dissapointed with that one

please do update the

- evolution guide

- challenge guide

- etc.

thank you

I have 50 of that fruit lying around in my inventory.

I'm doing mad grinding on the boss battle before this update, but now I can't do that because it keeps crashing and force close.

so what does the fruit do? after using one?

reset the age to 0

i see a very awesome item indeed for the 5million price

but my disapointment in the pink fish made me discover a gold fish the reduces age by 30 it just takes time to find one but its worth the hunt

That is exactly why the pink fish was changed in the first place. Because of the easily avaiable, god-tier item DigiSeabass.

Head hunting for those pink fish comments. So far your the only one ok with it

(1 edit)

Haha so? Most of them don't even know about about the golden seabass. You yourself deleted your childlike ill-mannered comment after finding out about it.