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A member registered Nov 02, 2021

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

I have two camo SSRBs side by side and a big setup above them, when the setup finally comes together becomes the third camo I guess it touches both of the two Camo down at the same time resulting in 2 big black SSRBs which collide and destroys, my score jumps from 3000 to 6000

that's how I get rid of the last big SSRB:D

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have you downloaded JAVA yet?

if you have, try use JAVA as the program to open the file by right-clicking the file.

this is so cute, my only problem is when they start climbing on the border between two monitors they disappear and appear big in the middle of screen

I know where to find them, it's just the rarity they appear, and my chance to get the scan data makes me so salty to grind it, the randomness of scan data is killing me.

how did you get Ragnamon? I can't even get BEMmon...

in the mine field and factory

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it is rare, not to mention to get BEMmon you need scan data, and BEMmon itself is already rare to appear.

same, still can't get Vulcanusmon because of the misleading guide.

Does anyone already unlock all the Olympos xii Digimon? are all of them completely? can someone give me the evolution guide? the official guide not including some of them. I already unlock mervamon, appolomon, dianamon, grace novamon, ceresmon+medium, and marsmon (vulcanusmon is on the way).

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try getting flymon and jessmon leader type for equip, their effect is really good at disturbing boss when charging their attack. and equip your attack with frozen or paralyze effect

it's lvl 10 Diaboromon boss battle, really hard if your stat is not max.

Boss battle

right after the evolution is done before it's loading close the app and open it again.


try hunting for 15-30 minutes

reset the age to 0

I have 50 of that fruit lying around in my inventory.

I'm doing mad grinding on the boss battle before this update, but now I can't do that because it keeps crashing and force close.

me too!

it still crashes and force close whenever I'm doing dungeon or boss battle

it keep getting force close when I'm doing dungeon or boss battle

> configuration > debug game

the force close error keeps happening more than before, I already debug but still, it force close when I'm grinding for dungeon and boss battle.

yes, I did and the egg is hatched into negamon.

it should be on the bottom left corner, are your digivice is at max upgrade? and your digimon leader is on actual form not on data lab?

yeah, and add crossplay, sometimes I want to play on PC instead of on my phone but don't want to start from the beggining.

this guy cost 7 million bits😅😅

just want to add, jumping isn't really useful in higher-level combat. just add short-distance dodging command instead of jumping. 

Does someone know what chained paradoxes are and where to get them?

you can't digivolve to zeedmillenniumon?

hey, can I play with both PC and android switching between them? can you do crossplay?

evolution tree really helpful in this case
