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(2 edits)

Im autism 

It aint my fault

ok, that’s fine.

haha, I spend too much time researching information that won’t amount to anything in my future just like high school math especially since I’m going into art as a career.

Yea but you gotta like have

A certain amount of credits to do something idfk 

i don't even know that much

I haven't even taken an exam yet (ty for that covid) 

ayo riverrrrrrrrr


No seriously run that by me one more time I wanna make sure that was English.

da li goverete engleski 

…Rible. Do I need to call a mental hospital or is this normal for you?

answer the question 

Da li goverete engleski

Yes or no

yes speak English.

bro you're not autism, you have autism

experience: i have autism

i am aware 💀