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Glad I looked here about how to get into the game (TAB key), I thought it was going to stop at the menu.

I think you've hit the PS1 aesthetic really well. Are the shadows done with vertex lighting?! Crazy, didn't know PS1 had that. :)

My first play I fell, and accidentally quit the game. The second time I went to the void but then couldn't get into a menu or anything. So each time I had to go through the cutscenes (which are great, but people usually only want to watch them once :)).

Nice work on your second submission, I enjoyed just running around the town and collecting treats!

Thanks for the feedback. The void level wasn't implemented so the portal wont do anything. hopefully gonna work on it a bit more. The idea with the intro was to only show it the player on new game but because i didn't get round to the  save system it was a new game every time.

Also yeah I used vertex colours. The ps1 didn't have shadows so in game like Spyro and crash bandicoot they used vertex colours to darken areas and bake lighting. Most enemy's were done purely in vertex colours, no textures.   Also found they did the same for lighting which is how i did Dennis's shadow.  Just used an inverted light. You can really see this in games like silent hill that used a torch.