Hey, really cool mod. I'd love to use it. Unfortunately, it sorta breaks my game when I install it. I can't assign any tasks to anyone, there are no skills in the skill bar, I can't travel anywhere (no one is visible in the travel menu), and there is no descriptive text (hair, age, body descriptions etc) for any of my people. There may be more bugs, but I haven't played much more, since the game is practically unplayable.
Has anyone experienced something like this? I would love to fix it.
I have the 0.6.1c version of the game and the v1c.1.0 version of the mod. I have tried with both the notsorandom-mod and regular improved random portraits-mod. Both seem to work fine but I might be wrong.
As far as I know, I followed the instructions in the readme correctely: Copy the contents of the conquest folder into the game directory (replacing the files from the portraits mod).
I would appreciate any feedback, cheers.