Thank you for the feedback, Kenny. I definitely do think that one would need a bit of setup prior to loading someone into a room. Perhaps, a bit of narrative to set up a very small story that would clue one into what to look for, or just a "Focus" for that round. That way you can know to focus a little more on specific areas. Instead of just having to try and remember everything. The questions would change depending on the focus so that you can replay the level a couple of times. (Would need to add many, many more levels of course.. and work on some post-processing to give it some juice.) I would also want to add other question types, other than multiple-choice (not exactly sow to accomplish that on mobile in a good or fun way but...)
I have 6 or so game ideas that will just not go away and this was my attempt at getting one of them to go away or become "something".
I was thinking this would be something that could be a little mobile time waster or something like that eventually, maybe. Got a minute to waste.. here look around this room for 25 seconds and see how much you notice. No huge commitment or anything. Thanks again for the feedback. I posted a couple of times on here asking for it, and I posted on several of the Reddit "play my game" and "indie dev" subreddits.. and got absolutely nothing in the way of interaction or feedback.
No problem man, happy to help. I think that focus idea sounds good and would allow for more natural replayability. If you want to go for the detective route, maybe start the player out with crime scenes and then move them to harder areas like the criminals apartment or something. Then maybe they can piece together clues they get right at the end of each “chapter” or something? That would go along with the name of the game too.
I totally get the game ideas thing. The only way to see if they work is to try. I started working on this escape room type game that I had an idea for. I think it will work out, which is cool since most of my recent ideas failed hard.
And yeah, I never had any luck with those subs either. Maybe 1 or 2 people but eh. Even /r/godot and /r/linux_gaming didn’t really touch anything I made.