Thank you for the feedback, Kenny. I definitely do think that one would need a bit of setup prior to loading someone into a room. Perhaps, a bit of narrative to set up a very small story that would clue one into what to look for, or just a "Focus" for that round. That way you can know to focus a little more on specific areas. Instead of just having to try and remember everything. The questions would change depending on the focus so that you can replay the level a couple of times. (Would need to add many, many more levels of course.. and work on some post-processing to give it some juice.) I would also want to add other question types, other than multiple-choice (not exactly sow to accomplish that on mobile in a good or fun way but...)
I have 6 or so game ideas that will just not go away and this was my attempt at getting one of them to go away or become "something".
I was thinking this would be something that could be a little mobile time waster or something like that eventually, maybe. Got a minute to waste.. here look around this room for 25 seconds and see how much you notice. No huge commitment or anything. Thanks again for the feedback. I posted a couple of times on here asking for it, and I posted on several of the Reddit "play my game" and "indie dev" subreddits.. and got absolutely nothing in the way of interaction or feedback.
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Thank you for the feedback. You are currently the only person who has contributed anything at all. I very much appreciate it. I will look into making the page style better and trying to come up with some better images. It's a prototype memory game, so I was trying not to provide much in the way of video or images of the levels.. just because having seen a level might lessen the panic introduced by the timer..the very first time you see it. I will try to do something though.
I posted a prototype demo a couple of days ago. I posted announcements here on itch and on Reddit in a couple of places. So far I have received no feedback. So I am trying again. This is a short prototype of a game I have had bouncing around in my head for a while. It's a timed observation and memory game. Eventually, I would like to create more levels and more input types, but I wanted to see if anyone thought it was fun enough to spend more time on it. It's a time-waster.. maybe good for mobile.. not sure.
This is a prototype of a game I have had in my head for a while. I made three levels just to see if anyone thought it was fun or not. I would want to add more levels and more interesting deduction-heavy questions with better input types than just multiple-choice buttons. At the moment I just utilized some low poly assets and multiple choice. I am doing this for feedback so please let me know if you would play something like this and what changes you would make.
Two Minute Detective by bondreal (
Ok. I think there was an issue with the last functionality I added that reset the power level after a jump. I was on the fence about including it anyway. So I removed it. You can change your power level after the jump but it does not reset after you jump now. It made the game slower.. and I did not really like it anyway. I am doing new executables for Win and Linux with the change. I have already uploaded the new web version.
Thank you for the excellent feedback. I primarily intended on a gamepad being used as I am garbage in platformers with a keyboard. The XBox gamepad I used during playtesting allowed me to make it through the level at a much higher percentage. Your point about "E" being bad when using WASD for movement I agree completely with that. "Shift" would have been much better. I will do that from now on. The other points about collisions on the sides of the spikes or colliders that do not match up with sprites are spot on. I went back and looked. You are absolutely correct. The point about it being better if the music was looped and not restarted makes sense too and would help with immersion as well to keep the stress up. Thank you for the compliments about the sprites.. all I can do is simple. lol. I am a software engineer I am not an artist at all. I just started using the 2d light rendering that unity now offers and it really helps/is easy to use. I added the birds really late in the game for added collisions to avoid and I did not see them flying up into the blocks during gameplay. I will fix that.
Please use this form if you'd like critique on your game!
Game Title/URL: Sentenced
Pitch/Information: Just a short tribute to the difficult platformers I grew up with in the 90's. Essentially, you have to escape hell.
I'd like feedback on:
Anything that you see or feel when you are playing it. Just looking for feedback.