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I am obviously following you now and eagerly awaiting any new games you make!!! When I realized her nickname was Bear I laughed like a crazy person XD. My husband jumped and looked at me and asked, "whoa what's going on!?" then.... "Hey she looks like you"  !! I regaled him with the entire story during our long car ride last weekend and he loved it too :)

I thought about it and she would probably just buy "men's shoes" and be done with it. Maybe there is a cobbler in her town though (depending on world building) and she just has shoes made for her as a trade for her carpentry work or, better yet, she makes/repairs her own because shopping for shoes or going to a tailor was such a pain.

I think you DEFINITELY hit on stereotypes for men and women. Uribel (not knowing that homemaking, cooking, and cleaning were "women's tasks") was just being helpful in any way he could. I love where Yrsa was thinking to herself that what he was doing was more of a womens role and pretended in my head that she mentioned that to him (in passing or just thinking out loud). Just for him to ask, "oh, does it matter?", and her to say, " it doesn't:)" I know she did have that realization but I just think he is so sweet (^_^) Women who are "bad at being women" and men who are "bad at being men"! It kills me that female MCs in dating games are 99% of the time taller than all the LIs. In M/M dating games it's almost just as bad for some reason??? Like the MC regardless is going to be short. I know short people exist, and I don't have a problem with seeing them or something BUT wow, ok, I see how it is. I could go on forever with weird stereotypes in dating games because I have played voraciously for the past 11 years. But your game is a breath of fresh air. I love it, and I wish I could wipe my memory of it and play it again for the first time. I'll definitely play again though :)

(I can't stand people who try to get away with mean comments (like her stupid date when she was 18) by just saying "I was just kidding" or "it's just a fact" or "I'm just telling you what other people are thinking, I'm trying to help". )

I have zero doubts that all your future endeavors will be of great interest and comfort to me <3