What can I say the writing for this was really interesting & quickly drew me into the story. The way the characters interacted with each other was very well done. I found myself utterly stunned by the plot twists at the end. I also enjoyed the art style esp. for TJ.
TJ is my fav. character because I really relate to the struggles he goes through. I have been in several relationships where I ended up being physically & emotionally abused. Unfortunately one of them was a close relative who also tried to kill me a few times. Strangely instead of being depressed by the story I found it to be intriguing & somewhat therapeutic.
More people need to go about presenting abuse the way it is done in your plot with an intimate representation of the emotions & reasons behind the abusive behavior. I especially liked the parts where the stress of what happened in the past makes Chase go completely insane causing him to see strange versions of himself in the mirror & hearing a voice in his head urging him to do things. Overall I enjoyed this VN a lot & am looking forward to your other works as this is the 1st. one I have had the pleasure of experiencing.