This one is amazing !
I really like the low poly/low res presentation and the hovership's design is super cool :D
Gameplay wise everything feels smooth and easy to handle, i was a bit worried at first when i saw there was no strafing just turning, but that was instantly dissipated by the fact that you actually made a full 360 degree turret instead of front fixed guns, it feels so satisfying to manoeuvre around enemies and sometimes even score some backwards kills while moving away for the next run.
If i had to nitpick, i'd say the only tiny downside i found was overall visibility,
i feel the camera angle's a bit too much tilted towards the ground so it can be hard to see what's around you and this also puts the ship right on the top of the screen rather than the middle. and the 2 hud bars can sometimes also get in the way so here it could be nice to have them a bit more transparent to help with visibility.
Other than that it's super solid and really fun to play, i had a blast and played up to wave 12, but sadly couldn't go further cause i found a glitch :
i heard shots when in wave 12 after clearing most of the ennemies and i couldn't find where there were and eventually i found them there. Not sure what happened here, this was with the download build, just reporting so you know.
Even with this unfortunate bug still a really cool game, so congrats and well done :)