The presentation is good and the art is very rich in detail. Gameplay feels good and fast. The level is compact and well made. It was also a very good idea to place health items around the map. As you can die fast this is a good solution to avoid frustration. Maybe you should have tied the attack action to a key press instead of the left mouse click. It doesn't feel right, as you can't aim or change attack direction.
As you had a sound designer in the team, here two super useful tips for him you don't get everywhere:
- The game is way too loud. The recommendation for video games is to have an average loudness of -23 LUFS for 30min of gameplay. You can download a free loudness meter, for example the Oculus one and measure the loudness easily:
- You can hear pretty clearly when the music loops restarts. It breaks some of the immersion. Just try to work out how seamless loops works : )
Good work, keep it up!