I made the title for the game and finished the main menu too. Right now the options button doesn't do anything but the play button does. I'm trying to add transitions so if anyone knows some good documentation or tutorials pls tell me. Any help would be appreciated.
Updates on General Development 
Right now I want to say the game is 60% complete, here is a list of things I still need to finish
- Finish Level 2,3,5,6 in total there's 6 levels
- Make and implement music so level music and main menu music
- Finish Main menu
- Revisit the UI
- Add transitions
- Add dialog ( by this I mean little cute scenes where Biscuits and Cofi say stuff to each other )
- Add more to the parallax background ( Add clouds or other decoration, to not make the sky so boring ).
- Easter eggs/little gags
This all I need to complete and my deadline is May 4, but next week I have finals so very unlucky on my part so wish me luck everyone. Thank you very much for reading my ramblings goodbye with Peace and Love, Also make sure you enjoy yourself a nice juicy calorie induced Roy's Royalty One Patty Burger.