Thanks I had alot of fun making the game and being in the game jam.
Creator of
Recent community posts
Omg hahaha I didn't think anyone was gonna play but thank you for your compliments. Well yeah, I wanted the game to play like fire boy and water girl, and am so happy to hear it gave you that vibe hahah. Yes, that would be great if you do also the game doesn't have an ending yet the development is paused am working on my other game ToasterHead which you can play on my page thanks for the support this is really crazy hhahaha have a good day :).
Devlog #3
Good morning or afternoon everyone. I got started on a lot of things since yesterday and I'm even able to fully implement some ideas from the to do list. +
Things I got DONE!!! 
I was able to get transitions in to the game, finished some animations for background characters, I finished the Main Menu (only needing to add a slider for music/sound volume, and tweaked the level scene changes I.E going from one level to the next.
What am Doing now
Am working on level design and seeing how to make levels sweet but short. Since this game isn't a game that would take you 43 hours to complete, lots of secrets, AAA development, and Deep enrich lore and world building. At most the game should take you 10 minutes or so to complete, But I want it like that short and sweet.
I'm also working on music I really want the OST to be good. Like have people asking who made this and were can I hear more, but the problem is I have no idea "how to music " -_-
So for now I am learning about music theory and trying different music tracks in FL Studio. Wish me luck everyone pls.
More Updates are coming later on in the day
I made the title for the game and finished the main menu too. Right now the options button doesn't do anything but the play button does. I'm trying to add transitions so if anyone knows some good documentation or tutorials pls tell me. Any help would be appreciated.
Updates on General Development 
Right now I want to say the game is 60% complete, here is a list of things I still need to finish
- Finish Level 2,3,5,6 in total there's 6 levels
- Make and implement music so level music and main menu music
- Finish Main menu
- Revisit the UI
- Add transitions
- Add dialog ( by this I mean little cute scenes where Biscuits and Cofi say stuff to each other )
- Add more to the parallax background ( Add clouds or other decoration, to not make the sky so boring ).
- Easter eggs/little gags
This all I need to complete and my deadline is May 4, but next week I have finals so very unlucky on my part so wish me luck everyone. Thank you very much for reading my ramblings goodbye with Peace and Love, Also make sure you enjoy yourself a nice juicy calorie induced Roy's Royalty One Patty Burger.
This is the lever in action. Biscuits and Cofi can both use the lever system. Right now in the game the lever opens a single door, I'm pretty satisfied with that. This opens a lot of puzzle possibilities.

In the GIF you can also see the mini burger
A mini burger is just a burger with some googlies eyes on. What's the lore? I don't know I was thinking that the mini burger is like a kids meal toy but am still iffy on that idea. Maybe it's just a burger with some eyes.
Hello everyone again, since yesterday's devlog I started working/finished a bunch of new mechanics and features. Most of them were implemented to help with the problem of the lack of things to do making the game feel simple + boring.
p.s am currently in school rn so when I get home ill post videos.
New mechanics
- A lever that opens a door I know sounds very really simple and ez to do but omg this took a whole morning to implement and work properly.
- Breakable platforms which only break when one of the players are on them. So if Cofi is touching the red one it breaks and if Biscuits is touching the green one it breaks. I feel like this can open the door to new puzzles.
- Three new enemies, Mini Burger with googly eyes, King Burger, And the Free Burgers Van. There pretty simple goomba enemies if they touch you, you lose heath or automatically die. Am not sure yet. Side note the mini Burger is so cute and feels like it should be implemented into the puzzle like having to lead it somewhere to beat the level
Hello everyone, as the title says this is a game for me and my girlfriend but am going to release it on my itch page, also its going to be my very first game I'm planning on releasing so wish my luck on the development.
In the game the player would be able to control both me ( Cofi ) and my girlfriend ( Biscuits ) and where trying to go on a date to Burger King/knockoff, brand friendly, not copyrighted, King Burger. So we have to find coupons and then make our way to the King Burger jumping on platforms... because why not? and enjoying some good juicy burgers .
So far I have the character's sprites for me( Cofi ) and my girlfriend( Biscuits ) done and ready for release.
I also have the tile set for levels 1-3 done and prototype level 1-3 but there not final sense am planing on adding some game changing mechanics . Like a lever or something around those lines.
For now I only have one problem and its the lack of things to do in the game. The game is really boring and I am trying to get a feel for the game loop and plus the only way you can lose is by falling down a pit by missing a jump. So for now the game is really boring. If you guys have any ideas pls reply in the comments any feedback would be welcomed.
I'll try to keep this devlog updated but it's the very first time I've ever done a devlog so don't expect much. For wondering what game engine I am using is Godot and I barely know how to code so. Thanks for reading so you all in the next devlog. Peace and love <3