The game’s presentation is very impressive, however I unfortunately had a handful of issues that made it difficult to enjoy beyond that:
- The combined factors of the player’s big hitbox, very fast enemy bullet speed, and small arena make it very difficult to manually dodge attacks; even dashing can be somewhat of a gamble because of the patterns themselves (see below).
- The boss’ random patterns are fairly messy/unintuitive to dodge around (exacerbated by the huge hitboxes, leading to a lot of random bonking), and its non-random patterns are somewhat difficult to read due to their large changes in shot angle between shots combined with their relatively low rate of fire.
- The player’s i-frames are really short, leading to taking a bunch of hits while trying to escape a bad situation (usually with a dash, but as stated even that is risky, leading into getting hit again shortly after dashing).
- The lifebar’s last two chains seem to function as your very last life rather than your last two lives, leading me to think I still had an extra life left when this was really my last one and surprise me with a death.