She looked at him for a moment, studying him curiously, before shaking her head a little, shrugging it off as some nobleman out in the village.
And, well to no one's surprise-She was sorta forced to go towards where her sister's n mother were screaming for her-Of course, that meant the Stranger was now no longer in sight, and even if she wanted to go see him again, which let's be honest-We both know she's not, "UWU, HOT MAN I MUST FIND YEZ YEZ-",So it's easy to assume that wasn't her top priority. But, regardless of this, she'd probably never see the mysterious blue-eyed man again. No one she would find a slight interest in stick around in town for long, oooooor either come up dead by some stupid animals or other people who brutally murdered them! Perfect town! No? :D
Let's be honest, new rps at the starts always have depressingness- T=T
And, well back to the snobby, stuck-up brats- T^T
S1:"Well it TOOK ya long enough, look how many bags I'm holding!! YOUR supposed to be the carrier, tell her ma!"
SM:"Now now S1, calm yourself.. we allll know she knows she shouldn't have left our side to begin with, and how she will get what's coming to her-But! For the time being, Elle, take your sisters bags. We don't have much longer out here, and hurry now-We won't wait for you all Morning."
"Good, now come along, (does she call them like, "come sisters", I honestly forget. I'll just go with that-), Sisters-We have little time left!"
SM snapped her fingers, of course-Wasting none of her time to pull along S1 and S2. She seemed rather impatient today, more than she usually is.. "is" something important happening today?.. No, No maybe she's just antsy for what's soon to come. Everyone is actually, well-Aside from Elle herself. I mean let's just be honest, anyone sensible, wouldn't start freaking out over something, they, really don't care about.
She followed along behind them, encumbered by all the bags and packages, she could keep up with their fast pace. She watched helplessly as they crossed a street, on the verge of losing them-she carelessly went to cross, not paying much attention and-came maybe an inch away from being trampled under the hooves and wheels of a horse-drawn carriage, stumbling back as all of the goods tumbled out of her arms and onto the street.
Of course, that said-carriage just had to have some old man who cursed at her as he rode off. Looovely, someone who wasn't paying attention to where they were riding starts cursing at someone who literally could barely see a feet infront of them. But regardless of who that guy was, as she began to pick up what fell out of the bags, (and the bags themselves-), when she tried reaching for a small-box, someone else then grabbed it. "Huh?", is probably what could've gone threw her mind, but when she did look up, well-Who else could it be expect for the same, mysterious man?... He seemed a lot nicer up close, not in some flustering way, just-Actually Nice. He looked up at her with a bit of black-look, before a small, "maybe" genuine smile formed on his face?.. It was honestly quite hard to tell if it was genuine or not, but still-He was helping pick them up, so why complain?.....oh yeah and he was speaking- :P
".. I guess someone had a little fall, you alright there?.. Looked like you got your foot ran over, or, maybe it was just the bags landing on you.. Still, are you hurt?"
".. It's merely common courtesy, Madam."
And from that point, as they started picking up the rest of the bags-He.. didn't really say much else. Now, I'm just spit-balling here-But did he just call her "Madam", Not a lot of people just call her by something like that. As a matter of fact, that's, not something she's really ever been called. Perhaps he was really just being a nice person, trying to help someone who-Seemed like they were having a rough go in town. But-...Oh whatever, he was being nice. He was carrying the items he picked up, nothing much other than that-