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Very interesting concept and it gets surprisingly difficult very fast! I agree with the suggestion on having some videos or a short tutorial to teach you how to play, instead of an instruction page. There were also some issues with the UI in general as it was right up against the edge of the screen, and gets cut off when the game is not full screen.

I feel like there definitely should be some background music, and also some audio/visual cues for when a stone has been "zapped" successfully, as it wasn't always obvious.

The WebGL version is still the original from last year's GDTV jam. To see the visual feedback, please download the test version from April which you can find on the Dev Log page!


Just tried the downloadable version and yeah the feedback is much better - I personally preferred the "bloom" version as I felt it was much more obvious :)  I think that combined with a nice sound effect will give a satisfying feel when you successfully zap a stone.