Progress: Engine running. main character running. All tiles done. Enemy sprites done. Game play and basic level design done.
Still plan to do: Bosses sprites (today), Implement enemyes and bosses (tomorrow), and put everything togheder.
If I have spare time I should make some music, if not, I should make the levels shorther than planned.
The powerups:
1st - Walk, jump, and trow bulls heads (have to pick up every time)
2nd - Walk, double jump, and trow bulls heads (same above)
3nd - walk, jump, and trow boomerang bulls head (the head return automaticaly, and can pass through walls)
Inspired by the history of Brazilian Cangaço (equivalent to the American western). Your character is Virgulino (Virgil), bandit who was known as "Lampião" (Oil Lamp, gas light). Considered a hero by some (some times he actec like a Robin Hood) and villain by others (in some villages they enter and plunder, rape, etc), he died when caught with his gang by the police, all were beheaded. He was a very religious person, devoted to a popular form of christianism. All this happened at the Caatinga (a place similar to the desert of Mexico), between the late 19th and early 20th century. Now he's at some kind of hell (his own), and must search for his final peace.