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They work well together but that’s about it.

I’d always suggest someone learn Lua. I’m a little biased, but I find the language to be very easy to read while being expressive and fast.

That said, LINK’s code base is a bit overwhelming because most of the code resides in link.agpack/main.lua and I use Vim’s code folding to keep it organized, meaning sections are contained within blocks surrounded by “{{{” and “}}}”.

I use this inline style (where most of the logic is contained in the update loop) because I find it easy to add new code and refactor old code until I work out how to separate it into self contained modules (which I’ve been working on to use some of the code in my latest project).

But by all means, check out the code. Bring a notebook and feel free to ask any questions you might have. I might be able to point you in the right direction.

I’d avoid working out edit mode at the moment. It works but it’s a dumpster fire that I’m trying to deal with right now.